Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Abortion Essays (1157 words) - Abortion Debate,

Abortion Abortion has been one of the topics of hot debate for the last three decades in our nation. Since the Roe v/s Wade decision in 1973, some Americans feel the need to ponder whether aborting fetuses is a moral action. On the one hand, some people feel that abortion should be legal because a woman has a right to choose whether she wants to continue a pregnancy or not. It's her body. On the other hand, some feel that fetuses have no advocates and deserve a right to live, so it is immoral to abandon their rights and kill them. This issue is not only at the center of political debate, but philosophical debate as well. In this paper, I will examine and critique Mary Anne Warren's On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion, where she examines the moral humanity of the fetus and its right to life. Mary Anne Warren describes how abortion should be kept legal without any restrictions on it. She states that the pro-abortion argument should center around the moral status of the baby, not simply on the rights of the mother. Yet, she does criticize those who defend abortion as the right to control one's body, ?it would be very odd to describe, say, breaking a leg, as damaging one's property, and much more appropriate to describe it as injuring oneself (Warren, 314). She uses this analogy to show the inappropriateness of a woman's body being her property. She continues her work by using Judith Thomson's paper, A Defense of Abortion as a tool to navigate her idea that abortion is morally permissible, even if a fetus has moral rights. Judith Thomson, according to Warren, says, ?a woman is under no moral obligation to complete an unwanted pregnancy (Warren, 315). Warren uses one of Thomson's analogies to help state further rationalize her hypothesis. The analogy is this: What if you found yourself in bed next to a famous violinist with your kidneys hooked up to his body. He will remain unconscious while he shares your kidneys for nine months. No one else can save him because you have the same blood type. If you don't continue this act of sharing for a period of nine months, he will die. If you do continue the procedure willingly, he will live. The question becomes, if you are an anti-abortionist will you stay consistent and feel obligated to save his life? Warren says that it is absurd to feel as though it would be murder if one declined to share their body (Warren, 316). She concludes her use of this analogy by agreeing with Thomson: even though a fetus is a human, a woman still has a right to obtain an abortion (Warren, 317). Even though Warren agrees with Thomson on some levels, she does mention one problem with this. A fetus comes into existence as a result of the woman's actions; the violinist does not. This is when she breaks off from Thomson and forms her own opinion: the need for the realization that a fetus is not a person (distinguishing between human and person) and does not have a right to life. Section II of Warren's article attempts to define what a person is, to follow through with her claim that a fetus may be a human, but is not a person, so therefore has no moral humanity. According to Warren, to be human deals with genetic humanity, the personhood deals with moral humanity (Warren, 319). She claims that if you are a person you have moral status and your rights should be respected, if you are not a person none of that applies to you. So all she has to do is prove that a fetus is not a person, and that will prove that abortion is moral. She gives five different characteristics that classify what a person is: (1) consciousness and the ability to feel pain, (2) reasoning and solving problems, (3) self-motivated activity, (4) communication with numerous possible content, (5) self-concept of individuality or racial ethnicity (Warren, 320). If one refers to the five standards of being a person, a fetus could not be a person, so abortion is therefore moral, according to

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Definition and Examples of Meaning in Linguistics

Definition and Examples of Meaning in Linguistics In semantics and pragmatics, meaning is the message conveyed by words, sentences, and symbols in a context. Also called  lexical meaning or semantic meaning. In The Evolution of Language (2010), W. Tecumseh Fitch points out that semantics is the branch of language study that consistently rubs shoulders with philosophy. This is because the study of meaning raises a host of deep problems that are the traditional stomping grounds for philosophers. Here are more examples of meaning from other writers on the subject: Word Meanings Word meanings are like stretchy pullovers, whose outline contour is visible, but whose detailed shape varies with use: The proper meaning of a word . . . is never something upon which the word sits like a gull on a stone; it is something over which the word hovers like a gull over a ships stern, noted one literary critic.(Jean Aitchison, The Language Web: The Power and Problem of Words. Cambridge University Press, 1997) Meaning in Sentences It may justly be urged that, properly speaking, what alone has meaning is a sentence. Of course, we can speak quite properly of, for example, looking up the meaning of a word in a dictionary. Nevertheless, it appears that the sense in which a word or phrase has a meaning is derivative from the sense in which a sentence has a meaning: to say a word or phrase has a meaning is to say that there are sentences in which it occurs which have meanings; and to know the meaning which the word or phrase has, is to know the meanings of sentences in which it occurs. All the dictionary can do when we look up the meaning of a word is to suggest aids to the understanding of sentences in which it occurs. Hence it appears correct to say that what has meaning in the primary sense is the sentence. (John L. Austin, The Meaning of a Word. Philosophical Papers, 3rd ed., edited by J. O. Urmson and G. J. Warnock. Oxford University Press, 1990) Different Kinds of Meaning for Different Kinds of Words There cant be a single answer to the question Are meanings in the world or in the head? because the division of labor between sense and reference is very different for different kinds of words. With a word like this or that, the sense by itself is useless in picking out the referent; it all depends on what is in the environs at the time and place that a person utters it. . . . Linguists call them deictic terms . . .. Other examples are here, there, you, me, now, and then. At the other extreme are words that refer to whatever we say they mean when we stipulate their meanings in a system of rules. At least in theory, you dont have to go out into the world with your eyes peeled to know what a touchdown is, or a member of parliament, or a dollar, or an American citizen, or GO in Monopoly, because their meaning is laid down exactly by the rules and regulations of a game or system. These are sometimes called nominal kindskinds of things that are picked out only by how we decide to name the m. (Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought. Viking, 2007) Two Types of Meaning: Semantic and Pragmatic It has been generally assumed that we have to understand two types of meaning to understand what the speaker means by uttering a sentence. . . . A sentence expresses a more or less complete propositional content, which is semantic meaning, and extra pragmatic meaning comes from a particular context in which the sentence is uttered. (Etsuko Oishi, Semantic Meaning and Four Types of Speech Act. Perspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium, ed. P. Kà ¼hnlein et al. John Benjamins, 2003) Pronunciation: ME-ning Etymology From the Old English, to tell of

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Effects of obesity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Effects of obesity - Research Paper Example Obesity can occur because of many causes. Heredity is one factor that causes obesity, though its role is perceived to be greater than it really is. Many people think of genes as the sole cause of obesity. While gene increases the tendency of an individual to gain weight, people generally have an unhealthy style of living that prevails in the culture of the family. Many people become obese because of the very unhealthy lifestyle. Prenatal and postnatal influences increase the tendency of children to be obese. Pregnant mothers who are obese or who smoke increase the tendency of their children to grow into obese adults (Harvard School of Public Health, 2014). Excessive gain of weight during the stage of infancy increases people’s risk of becoming obese as adults, whereas breastfeeding lowers this risk. A potential cause of obesity is the unhealthy diet whose consumption has become a trend and culture particularly in the West. People commonly consume large meals with a high conten t of refined grains, unhealthy fats, red meat, and carbonated drinks. Healthy diet based on the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits is not very common. Advancement of technology is another factor that can be considered as the cause of obesity. People spend too much time watching television, surfing the internet, using computers, and Facebooking. All of these activities limit their physical activity. In addition, people’s tendency to consume unhealthy diets and life an unhealthy lifestyle is increased under the influence of constant advertising of unhealthy products on the digital media. Children experience many negative effects of obesity. Obese children cannot participate as actively in the physical extracurricular activities in school as their class-fellows. They might feel motivated to participate because of their inner talents, but their weight, figure, and obesity-influenced characteristics discourage them from making

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Descartes and The Matrix to address a topic Essay

Descartes and The Matrix to address a topic - Essay Example It is about human beings being deceived by their own senses into believing that the state of events in the world around them is true but in actual sense they are in a dream state. In analysing the film in light of Descartes first three meditations, the first meditation is about the things that people may doubt, the second about the nature of people’s minds and how it is easier to know it than the body while the third meditation is about God and whether he actually exists (Wilson 13). In the film, Descartes malicious and evil deceivers are represented by the agents within the matrix whose core aim is to hide the truth and cause doubt in our minds. They deny us the chance of actually differentiating between what is reality and what is false. In the first meditation, Descartes suggested that he believed not an optimal God but somewhat an evil demon was responsible for hiding the truth from him and thus leading him to spiral down a trail of doubts and scepticism that eventually le d him to a possible truth that nothing is actually certain (Wilson 34). In the movie, the matrix is displayed as a program that is fed into one’s mind which causes the person to believe the reality of the false world that is being projected to them. The program deceives senses into thinking that an individual is at that time experiencing a false world but in essence they are just lying in a pod which is wired to the Matrix. The agents, as mentioned earlier, are part of the programme that is fed into a person’s mind to stop people from discovering reality. However, the difference between what is real and what is a dream is still hard to correctly identify as was exemplified in the movie where the main character, Neo, is captured by the agents in the matrix and bugged but instead he wakes up in his bed thinking that it was all a dream. It is with his dream argument that Descartes is able to exercise his doubts on the evidence given to us by our senses. He goes to the ext reme of questioning his own existence in his second mediation where he wrote: â€Å"I am--I exist: this is certain; but how often? As often as I think; for perhaps it would even happen, if I should wholly cease to think, that I should at the same time altogether cease to be† (Chappell 56). Further, in his second meditation, he posits that there is a truth in the existence of a powerful malignant being who is omnipresent and all his endeavours are toward deceiving him. Descartes says â€Å"But [as to myself, what can I now say that I am], since I suppose there exists an extremely powerful, and, if I may so speak, malignant being, whose whole endeavours are directed toward deceiving me? Can I affirm that I possess any one of all those attributes of which I have lately spoken as belonging to the nature of body? After attentively considering them in my own mind, I find none of them that can properly be said to belong to myself.†-Descartes (Wilson 23). He also believes that the possibility of an external world that remains true may also be meddled by the Evil deceiver and still cannot be trusted fully without question. Later, he also introduced the concept of God into his third meditation who actually overpowers the Evil deceiver’s power much like in the matrix where Neo’s Powers was much stronger than the agents who were keeping him and people from discovering reality. The deceiver presented in the Matrix and that proposed have shown certain

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Indigenous Cultures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Indigenous Cultures - Research Paper Example That is why they are settled around Ometepec, Tlacoachistlahuaca, San Pedro and Xochistlahuaca (Wauchope 418). They are located around the slopes of the mountains that surround the municipalities on fertile land. The people are settled on over 2, 500km region near the coast parts of the borders and they total to over 45,000 people. At the same time, the indigenous group has a well-defined culture that constitute of nuclear and extended families, catholic religion and practice agriculture. In most cases, the male partners are patriarchal and control all systems of leadership in the society. It is a culture for the people of Amuzgo to respect gender roles in their communities. The boys take full responsibility of accompanying their fathers into the farms to gain agricultural knowledge. Given that agriculture is the basic resource of livelihood in the Southwest borders, the Amuzgo boys must gain basic knowledge. Also, 90 percent of the people practice catholic religion with the remaining 10 percent being Protestants (Vinding, 91). The Amuzgo people also have various tongues in their language based on the dialect and community of livelihood. This is based on the variation in the tongues used in naming various mythical origins. According text testing that were done in 1900s, the variation in language of the distinctive communities that reside around Southwest part of Mexico as Amuzgo people are the same. That is why it is most common in Guerrero and Oaxaca. In conclusion, it is evident that Amuzgo Indigenous people are diverse in their culture, language and character traits. This is based on the fact that they have different tongues but are able to intermingle in their agricultural activities. Also, they are located in different municipalities around Guerrero and Oaxaca borders but work towards a common goal of conserving their culture and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Self Management Bringing Out The Best In Me Philosophy Essay

Self Management Bringing Out The Best In Me Philosophy Essay I shall be willing to give my complete self for the choices I consciously make in order to optimize the value of my continuously evolving self-awareness and self-discovery. Management has become an illusion to many people for many years. We thought that given a position, we will be able to drive people to achieve results. We were made to believe that as you pay people, we may be able to squeeze their juices to contribute to our results. But come to think of it: even a child who came from a parent and who was nurtured by the parent through the formative years wont do everything the parent wants him to do. They will still go out of their way and do things the way they want their own way. How much less can we expect an employee to subscribe to our management only because he is paid to do so? Knowing self is the prerequisite to self management. It is about self knowledge which leads to self mastery. The Book of Tao Te Ching is sure in saying that He who knows others is CLEVER; He who knows himself HAS DISCERNMENT; He who overcomes others HAS FORCE; He who overcomes himself is STRONG. Knowing self requires discernment leading to being strong. Knowledge and mastery of the self sounds more challenging than knowledge and mastery of others. You dont have to be different. You just have to be yourself. But by being yourself, you express your uniqueness. You can only be the best of what you are. You can never be the best of what you are not. The power lies within. If you wish to conquer the world, you have to first conquer yourself. But what do we need to know about ourselves? We have a false belief that we know ourselves enough because it is the person we have known since our conception. But wait! Psychologically, there are many things we do not know about the person we see in the mirror. Here is how. Our ego is that part of our personality that is in contact with reality. Ego is the neutralizer of the moralistic superego and the pleasure-driven id. The superego and the id are both blind and not based on reality. There are times however that our ego is threatened. That is when defense mechanisms are accessed to protect the ego and to attempt a state of balance. Defense mechanisms operate in the unconscious. For example, an alcoholic will use denial and say I am just an occasional drinker, and he is convinced about it. He will use rationalization and say drinking is my only stress buster because I dont have friends, and he is convinced about it. He will use dissociation and say, my quarrel and separation with my wife has nothing to do with my drinking but with her nagging personality, and he is convinced about it. The alcoholics use of the three defense mechanisms is something that he is not aware of. He gets used to it to protect his ego from the very real possibility that he is actually suffering from alcoholism. The unconscious use of the defense mechanism is anchored on the fact that it is the ego (a connection to reality) that it is trying to protect. (ego-id-superego model) This is one psychological basis for our tendency to suppress from our consciousness many aspects of lives and characteristics about ourselves which in a way is a form of self-delusion. Even the JOHARI Window, formulated by John Luft and Harry Ingham (?), proposed that there is the blind quadrant, which is known to others but is not known to self. There is also the unknown (unconscious) quadrant, which is neither known to others nor to self. That is how much unknown remains for us to explore. These quadrants offer the potentials in the human person. (illustration of johari) The Gift of Self On the more practical level, it is most worthwhile to discover what we do best that we enjoy most. XXX calls it flow. I simply call it gift. Do we do it best because we enjoy it most? Or do we enjoy it most because we do it best? A chicken and egg situation. It doesnt matter which one leads to another. But certainly, we wont do best what we dont enjoy doing, neither would we enjoy doing something we dont do best. There must be a special reason why the Supreme Being gives a special gift to each of us. It is for us to discover it, nurture it to perfection, and find its value to how you can serve others. But how many people end life journey without such discovery? What a waste! Even what is initially perceived as weakness can actually be discovered as a gift. XXX is a person born with a condition called xxx. He has no arms and feet. But he found the gift. He would inspire people by how he was able to do what people with complete extremities can do like surfing, playing golf, and play musical instrument. He would have not done it any better if he was born with limbs. And there are many other stories available in the worldwide web for us to prove that what could be initially perceived as weakness can lead to the realization of strength. What you love and your talents provide for clues to your gift. As Wolfgang puts it: the person born with a talent they are meant to use will find the greatest happiness in using it. You want to know your gift? Look at the mirror and ask yourself. What makes you different? What makes you special? What makes you loved and loveable? What makes you a child of God? I am sure, you will find an attribute, a power, a great being within you. It awaits to be unleashed, NOW. What is the best business for me? Whenever I get consulted by people who are in search of a business venture, I ask them the question, what is it that you do best that you enjoy most? The rationale is simple: what you do best is worthwhile investing in, especially when it fills a particular need in the market. What you do best will bring a product or a service that is probably best or good enough as a starting point to generate profit. What you do best is much easier to nurture and craft to perfection. It is important that I ask the question about what they enjoy most. The rationale is also simple: work stops being work when you are enjoying it. It makes you focus on what matters most because what you do brings about some degree of self fulfillment just by simply doing it. When what you do is something you enjoy most, you become more resilient, especially in the field of entrepreneurship where only the toughest survive. My life is an example. I was given the gift of tongue. God must have a reason. And everything followed after. Now, what is your gift? What have you done to nurture that gift? Step 2: CHOOSE Self After you know or discover the gift, you have to choose to use it well. You may choose to nurture it. Choice is derived from the freewill which is innate to our human nature. Some people will respond to situation based on the force of circumstances and will claim that there is no other choice. In my trainings, I usually set a bet for the audience to give me an example of a life situation where the person has no choice. On doctor challenged me and cited that he never chose to be born. Good thing he is a doctor that I was able to ask him how many spermatozoa does a man release in a sexual act. He said tens of millions. It was my chance to remind him: Doc, when your father made love with your mother, there were tens of millions of sperm released by your father! Why did you rush to win the race? It made the hall full of doctors quiet. And I closed the debate by saying: Doc, while you were a sperm, you made a choice to be the fastest and the mightiest sperm of them all. Thats because you chose to fertilize the egg. I have yet to hear a situation in life where one has no choice! The challenge of throwing bread on those who throw stones is Jesus Christs lesson of CHOICE. Reactive people respond as if there is nothing between stimulus and response. Proactive people respond aware that there is something between the stimulus and response- that is CHOICE. Stephen Covey calls being proactive as being response-able. They have the response-ability, which is the ability to choose the response. A person who believes in choices and who empowers the self using that freedom to choose will not blame others for anything. They only have themselves to blame. In so doing, that person learns, grow, become a better person. Now that I have impressed upon you that choice is inherent to our human nature, the biggest choice you have to make is to CHOOSE your SELF. You may choose to be the best person you can be based on your personal knowledge of yourself. Having been blessed with the gift of teaching, you may choose to be a great teacher. A nurse may just provide relief of pain, but may choose to care by provide a holistic nurturing to her clients. Anyone can be great. It is just a matter of choice. Famous and notorious people alike are products of the choices they make. Step 3: GIVE Self What did you have when you were born? And what dies with you? Only your SELF. What you gained in your life journey like wealth, properties, power and prestige are temporal rewards for the actions you took and the choice you made. But what could be the greatest gift to humanity but self? I used to wonder why most heroes had to die before they get acknowledged, like saints who had to die before they get beatified. Because death is the ultimate offering of the self. Even Jesus had to die to achieve our salvation. But this book is not about being hero or saint. It is about being you and giving yourself. What you are is Gods gift to you. What others have become because of you is your gift to God. It is in giving yourself that you find greater meaning in the life you are blessed to live. What do we get in knowing-choosing-giving ourselves? The more we become knowledgeable about ourselves, the more we will be able to define our vision and purpose. And from such vision and life purpose, we will be able to better choose the person we want to be. In so doing, we are able to fulfil a mission and project our authentic presence in the environment we live in. Our existence is felt, our significance is appreciated and our worth enriched. We are then able to give ourselves more genuinely. It is in sharing ourselves that we become more. It is in giving ourselves that we are given more. It creates a self-actualizing existence that puts more value to our lives and our being. Self actualization is the highest level of need. It is what not everyone will be able to reach in a lifetime. It is anchored on a hierarchy that builds upon basic to more complex needs. It is the level that makes one conclude that life is indeed worth leaving. Interview 1: Cory Quirino It took years for Cory Quirino to spread the gospel of wellness among her fellow Filipinos. Now, thanks to her relentless advocacy, wellness is one of the most happening words in town as more and more manufacturers have been jumping onto the bandwagon, developing consumer products that promote a healthy and happy lifestyle. Alternative and preventive medicine and naturopathy have likewise been booming. One of Quirinos secrets to her accomplishments is the great sense of discipline that drives her dreams. Without it, passion has no direction, she says. Wellness itself has a lot to do with balancing ones life. A lot of self-discipline goes to the day-to-day management of physical, emotional and spiritual activities that maintain ones health and beauty. The same principles can be applied in managing ones enterprises, as she has successfully demonstrated. It takes both intelligence and keeping ones cool to win the game. EQ is on equal footing with IQ, she says, if not a step higher. She adds, I believe in it as something innately God-given, something that enables an individual to tap the inner intelligence, centered on his or her ability to sense, to reflect, and to act. Quirino can attest to the fulfilment of being an entrepreneur. Only now, I am beginning to know what this feels like, she says. Sure, its risky, but the rewards are great. Your sense of freedom is underscored and heightened, and this motivates you to go further, beyond your own self-imposed limitations. Many people consider Quirino a guru or icon. This is music to my ears, she smiles, because it simply means, you have arrived, Cory!' Interview 2: Richie Cuna Richie Cuna always makes sure that his business is a step ahead of everyone elses. Being a business developer, he has been strict at beating his deadlines. I always tell my staff that we need to hit deadlines yesterday. No exemptions! , he exclaims. It has taken discipline and planning to turn Cunas visions to reality. People who are always stuck on the planning phase turn him off. I would plan things in my head days, weeks, months, or maybe even years ahead, and then I share what I want to happen, he says. In his office, he is well known for making his word happen. When he established the brand Fiorgelato, one of his several successful franchises, he planned to establish 50 branches within ten years. And so he has. Cuna has been a leader and pioneer in entrepreneurship and franchising in the Philippines. He founded and led the Association of Filipino Franchisers, Inc (AFFI). He keenly supports new businesses, brands and concepts in schools, exhibits and other activities and has helped make Filipino brands internationally competitive. He wants others to share in the satisfaction of being entrepreneurs. He relates, Ive been an employee for about 25 years, and sometimes they say when an employee leaves the office, thats the end of the storyAs an entrepreneur, the task is a 24/7 thing; your mind keeps on running because you need to finish a task or make a deadlineBut the fulfilment is different. I quit my job in banking and pursued entrepreneurship because it is more enjoyable! Nuggets of Wisdom Here are some simplified techniques on how you can make the full use of your self: Search for what you do best and enjoy most. Examine the realization of dreams and aspirations. Live in harmony with the universe. Fulfil the promise of the future through the lessons of the past and blessings of the present. Search for what you do best and enjoy most. This is the essence of your freewill. You may choose what to do and might as well do what you are best at and what gives you the greatest rewards of enjoyment. In the process, everything becomes easy in your full utilization of your greatest asset yourself. Examine the realization of dreams and aspirations. Success comes in small frequent feedings. There are small achievements that are indicators that you are getting there in time. Do an inventory of the small successes that is heading to the realization of your dreams. These are the building blocks of your immortal legacy. Live in harmony with the universe. You are part of a bigger whole. Live with it in harmony. Be nurtured by it as you contribute to its entirety. Harmonize with nature and be one of its treasures. Fulfil the promise of the future through the lessons of the past and blessings of the present. You are never a perfect being but you are learning. The past provides you lessons. The past cannot teach you, but you can learn from it. The present is a presentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ a gift. It is the most important day in your history. Count your blessings on a daily basis. Conquer the future. It promises you great things.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nike And What It Does To Third World Countries :: essays research papers

The Manufacturing Practices of the Footwear Industry: Nike vs. the Competition The current manufacturing practices of the sneaker industry, in particular companies such as Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Converse, and New Balance, takes place throughout the globe. With the industry experiencing severe competition, and the product requiring intensive labour, firms are facing extreme pressure to increase their profit margins through their sourcing practices. The following paper will analyse the sneaker industry, while examining the multitude of viable manufacturing options, and critiquing their current manufacturing structure. Footwear Industry – Players, Revenues, Market Share To properly review the manufacturing in the footwear industry, it is necessary to first gain an understanding of the dominant leaders in the marketplace. The industry is currently experiencing hyper competition, led by six main firms – Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Fila, Converse, and New Balance (see exhibit 1), with nearly $7 billion in revenues domestically. Nike is the industry leader, with a 47% market share, followed by Reebok, a distant second at 16%, and Adidas at 6% (see exhibit 2). This category is facing decreasing demand and the rising popularity of alternative footwear, resulting in more pressure than ever before to achieve high gross margins through effective global sourcing practices. Manufacturing options Footwear companies have two basic options in the manufacturing of their products, they can both own and operate the factories that produce their products, or subcontract their products out to secondary manufacturers. These facilities can be located either domestically or internationally, and both present a myriad of positives and negatives. Firms that produce domestically benefit from ease of monitoring, skilled workforce, government stability, job creation, and well understood labour rules, while suffering from the relatively high wages required in the U.S. as compared to developing countries. By manufacturing products overseas, in particular in third world economies, tremendous efficiencies are gained in the form of reduced wages, but are countered by the increased difficulty of monitoring the quality of their products and the actual working conditions in the factories. Companies that are vertically integrated, who own and operate the factories where their products are manufactured, are faced with large capital expenditure requirements and the management of the factories themselves, resulting in lower profit margins. Strategic Outsourcing In analysing the sneaker industry, we are faced with the question, "What are these firms core competencies?" If manufacturing falls under this umbrella, then firms should look to produce internally. However, the core skills that set these companies apart from the competition, are their marketing, distribution, and technological expertise.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Deception Point Page 96

But he heard the explosion. 117 The West Wing was usually quiet at this hour, but the President's unexpected emergence in his bathrobe and slippers had rustled the aides and on-site staff out of their â€Å"day-timer beds† and on-site sleeping quarters. â€Å"I can't find her, Mr. President,† a young aide said, hurrying after him into the Oval Office. He had looked everywhere. â€Å"Ms. Tench is not answering her pager or cellphone.† The President looked exasperated. â€Å"Have you looked in the-â€Å" â€Å"She left the building, sir,† another aide announced, hurrying in. â€Å"She signed out about an hour ago. We think she may have gone to the NRO. One of the operators says she and Pickering were talking tonight.† â€Å"William Pickering?† The President sounded baffled. Tench and Pickering were anything but social. â€Å"Have you called him?† â€Å"He's not answering either, sir. NRO switchboard can't reach him. They say Pickering's cellphone isn't even ringing. It's like he's dropped off the face of the earth.† Herney stared at his aides for a moment and then walked to the bar and poured himself a bourbon. As he raised the glass to his lips, a Secret Serviceman hurried in. â€Å"Mr. President? I wasn't going to wake you, but you should be aware that there was a car bombing at the FDR Memorial tonight.† â€Å"What!† Herney almost dropped his drink. â€Å"When?† â€Å"An hour ago.† His face was grim. â€Å"And the FBI just identified the victim†¦ â€Å" 118 Delta-Three's foot screamed in pain. He felt himself floating through a muddled consciousness. Is this death? He tried to move but felt paralyzed, barely able to breathe. He saw only blurred shapes. His mind reeled back, recalling the explosion of the Crestliner out at sea, seeing the rage in Michael Tolland's eyes as the oceanographer stood over him, holding the explosive pole to his throat. Certainly Tolland killed me†¦ And yet the searing pain in Delta-Three's right foot told him he was very much alive. Slowly it came back. On hearing the explosion of the Crestliner, Tolland had let out a cry of anguished rage for his lost friend. Then, turning his ravaged eyes to Delta-Three, Tolland had arched as if preparing to ram the rod through Delta-Three's throat. But as he did, he seemed to hesitate, as if his own morality were holding him back. With brutal frustration and fury, Tolland yanked the rod away and drove his boot down on Delta-Three's tattered foot. The last thing Delta-Three remembered was vomiting in agony as his whole world drifted into a black delirium. Now he was coming to, with no idea how long he had been unconscious. He could feel his arms tied behind his back in a knot so tight it could only have been tied by a sailor. His legs were also bound, bent behind him and tied to his wrists, leaving him in an immobilized backward arch. He tried to call out, but no sound came. His mouth was stuffed with something. Delta-Three could not imagine what was going on. It was then he felt the cool breeze and saw the bright lights. He realized he was up on the Goya's main deck. He twisted to look for help and was met by a frightful sight, his own reflection-bulbous and misshapen in the reflective Plexiglas bubble of the Goya's deepwater submersible. The sub hung right in front of him, and Delta-Three realized he was lying on a giant trapdoor in the deck. This was not nearly as unsettling as the most obvious question. If I'm on deck†¦ then where is Delta-Two? Delta-Two had grown uneasy. Despite his partner's CrypTalk transmission claiming he was fine, the single gunshot had not been that of a machine gun. Obviously, Tolland or Rachel Sexton had fired a weapon. Delta-Two moved over to peer down the ramp where his partner had descended, and he saw blood. Weapon raised, he had descended belowdecks, where he followed the trail of blood along a catwalk to the bow of the ship. Here, the trail of blood had led him back up another ramp to the main deck. It was deserted. With growing wariness, Delta-Two had followed the long crimson smear along the sideboard deck back toward the rear of the ship, where it passed the opening to the original ramp he had descended. What the hell is going on? The smear seemed to travel in a giant circle. Moving cautiously, his gun trained ahead of him, Delta-Two passed the entrance to the laboratory section of the ship. The smear continued toward the stern deck. Carefully he swung wide, rounding the corner. His eye traced the trail. Then he saw it. Jesus Christ! Delta-Three was lying there-bound and gagged-dumped unceremoniously directly in front of the Goya's small submersible. Even from a distance, Delta-Two could see that his partner was missing a good portion of his right foot. Wary of a trap, Delta-Two raised his gun and moved forward. Delta-Three was writhing now, trying to speak. Ironically, the way the man had been bound-with his knees sharply bent behind him-was probably saving his life; the bleeding in his foot appeared to have slowed. As Delta-Two approached the submersible, he appreciated the rare luxury of being able to watch his own back; the entire deck of the ship was reflected in the sub's rounded cockpit dome. Delta-Two arrived at his struggling partner. He saw the warning in his eyes too late. The flash of silver came out of nowhere. One of the Triton's manipulator claws suddenly leaped forward and clamped down on Delta-Two's left thigh with crushing force. He tried to pull away, but the claw bore down. He screamed in pain, feeling a bone break. His eyes shot to the sub's cockpit. Peering through the reflection of the deck, Delta-Two could now see him, ensconced in the shadows of the Triton's interior. Michael Tolland was inside the sub, at the controls. Bad idea, Delta-Two seethed, blocking out his pain and shouldering his machine gun. He aimed up and to the left at Tolland's chest, only three feet away on the other side of the sub's Plexiglas dome. He pulled the trigger, and the gun roared. Wild with rage at having been tricked, Delta-Two held the trigger back until the last of his shells clattered to the deck and his gun clicked empty. Breathless, he dropped the weapon and glared at the shredded dome in front of him. â€Å"Dead!† the soldier hissed, straining to pull his leg from the clamp. As he twisted, the metal clamp severed his skin, opening a large gash. â€Å"Fuck!† He reached now for the CrypTalk on his belt. But as he raised it to his lips, a second robotic arm snapped open in front of him and lunged forward, clamping around his right arm. The CrypTalk fell to the deck. It was then that Delta-Two saw the ghost in the window before him. A pale visage leaning sideways and peering out through an unscathed edge of glass. Stunned, Delta-Two looked at the center of the dome and realized the bullets had not even come close to penetrating the thick shell. The dome was cratered with pockmarks. An instant later, the topside portal on the sub opened, and Michael Tolland emerged. He looked shaky but unscathed. Climbing down the aluminum gangway, Tolland stepped onto the deck and eyed his sub's destroyed dome window. â€Å"Ten thousand pounds per square inch,† Tolland said. â€Å"Looks like you need a bigger gun.† Inside the hydrolab, Rachel knew time was running out. She had heard the gunshots out on the deck and was praying that everything had happened exactly as Tolland had planned. She no longer cared who was behind the meteorite deception-the NASA administrator, Marjorie Tench, or the President himself-none of it mattered anymore. They will not get away with this. Whoever it is, the truth will be told. The wound on Rachel's arm had stopped bleeding, and the adrenaline coursing through her body had muted the pain and sharpened her focus. Finding a pen and paper, she scrawled a two-line message. The words were blunt and awkward, but eloquence was not a luxury she had time for at the moment. She added the note to the incriminating stack of papers in her hand-the GPR printout, images of Bathynomous giganteus, photos and articles regarding oceanic chondrules, an electron microscan printout. The meteorite was a fake, and this was the proof.

Friday, November 8, 2019

20 Analytical Essay Topics on Archaeological Record

20 Analytical Essay Topics on Archaeological Record Any physical material created, modified and left behind, can be used as a means of archaeological record. These records are then studied which say a lot about past cultures that have dominated our planet. In fact, pretty much all of history as we know today, is backed by archaeological records found by archeologists. If you’re among the lot of students who are looking to write an analysis essay on archaeological record, then you’ve certainly come to the right place. This is the first of our two guides which will assist you in writing a superb analysis essay that’s not only better than your colleagues’, but also gets generously admired by your professor. In this guide, 20 topics for an analysis essay on archaeological record, we discuss 20 relevant topics that you can start using right away. These analysis essay ideas will help you write with precision, hitting each point flawlessly. Furthermore, we’ve also concluded a sample paper  at the end of this guide so you can have a better understanding about how an analysis essay is written. In our second and final guide, creating an analysis essay on archaeological record, we discuss the whatnots of how an analysis paper  should be written. Additionally, you may refer to our 10 facts for an analysis essay on archeological record that’s always there when you need it. If you already know how to write an analysis essay, we’d still recommend that you skim through it so you can have a much more in-depth look at how it’s really written. With that being said, here are 20 Topics on Archaeological Record: How Archaeology Can Help us Study Past Cultures The Significance of Archaeological Records to Provide Physical Evidence about the Past ― an In-depth Analysis The Record of Human History: How Archaeological Records Help Us Find The Reason behind The Prosperity or Failure of a Civilization How the Remains of Past Civilizations Divides the Line between the Past and Present An Analysis on Archaeology: The Human Story that Represents Everyone’s Heritage and is a Part of Everyone’s Past The Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR) and its Significance in terms of Preserving Irreplaceable Archaeological Records An Analysis on the Most Rare Archaeological Records that Changed the Entire Course of Human History What Archaeological Records Tell Us About Earthly Species How Archaeological Records are Helping Human Species Find Alien Life Historical Archaeology: The Luxury of Examining Physical Remains and Texts and its Significance in this Modern Era An In-Depth Analysis on Archeologists: How They Order Their Data to Form a Record and How They Interpret Them as Concrete Embodiments of Thoughts Understanding Archaeological Records and an Overview of its Goals How archaeological Records Explain the Cultural Diversity it Holds The Composition of Archaeological Records: An Analysis of Monuments, Artifacts, Ecofacts, Features and Burials. How Archaeological Records Can Become a Means of Living ― An Insight into the Lives of Professional Looters or â€Å"Pot Hunters† How a Combination of Deliberate Destruction and Vandalism Causes Archaeological Records to be Lost Forever An Analysis on Vandals who Take Pleasure in the Destruction of Ancient and Ceremonial Archaeological Records An Analysis on The Stuff that Comes from Garbage and Litter: The Source of Many Archaeological Data Found Today The History of Archaeological Records: How it all Began The Relationship between Archaeological Records and Time and Space Read them all? Great! To further boost your confidence, we have written a little sample essay that would assist you in the writing part, should you get stuck at any stage. Here it is: Sample Analysis Essay: The Human Story that Represents Everyone’s Heritage and is a Part of Everyone’s Past According to, the discoveries, research and study of left-behinds by past cultures and civilizations is what archaeology is really about. Archaeological records are either textual writings or physical material, though they are mostly physical. In fact, everything that we see today ― structures, monuments, ornaments, technology etc. ― will become a part of archaeological records if our civilization had to face a worldwide catastrophe. This is how it really works. Most of the records that archeologists find today are the remains of old civilizations that perished a long time ago. Archaeology helps us understand the story behind the human species; how they flourished and what they accomplished during their reign over this planet. Archaeological records explain all aspects of human culture, from the daily lives of common men to the grand endeavors of emperors. However, finding these records is as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. Archeologists find clues that create a pattern, which allows them to reconstruct human history or the lives of ancient civilizations or historical figures. Archaeology is a study or practice that allows us to appreciate and preserve human heritage. It allows us to understand ourselves, where we came from, how we overcame challenges, and how the societies we now live in thrived. Over the years, archaeology and its practices have changed immensely. From ancient pots to DNA to theories of cognitive processes, everything can be categorized as archaeological practices which are performed by today’s archaeologists. These new practices have allowed archaeologists to create new recovery techniques and interpretive approaches, which help them find more archaeological records on our planet. Today, there are a variety of highly skilled archaeologists who use state of the art equipment such as computers, robotics, satellite imagery and of course, a trowel ― the primary tool used by nearly all archaeologists. All of today’s archaeological practices have allowed us to come to terms with the heritage left behind by past civilizations. Today, ethno-archaeologists study past and current civilizations. This helps them determine and reveal why people in the past left behind their remains in certain patterns. In the end, archeology has helped us understand who we are, what we did in the past, why we embraced certain kinds of cultures and societies, what we achieved as a species, where we failed, where we came from and what happened to civilizations before us. Now, you’re just one step away from writing an excellent analysis essay on archaeological records. Head over to our final guide ― â€Å"Creating an Analysis Essay on Archaeological Records†. Let’s get on with it then, shall we? References: Patrik, Linda E. (1985). Is There an Archaeological Record?. Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory. 8: 27–62. McChesney, Melisa (23 July 2012). What is the archaeological record and why does it matter?. The Archaeology Channel Blog. Hardesty, Donald L. (2008). Goals of Archaeology, Overview. In Deborah M. Pearsall. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. pp. 1414–1416. Lucas, Gavin (2012). The Trouble with Theory. Understanding the Archaeological Record. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1–17. Lucas, Gavin (2012). Formation Theory. Understanding the Archaeological Record. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 74–123. Ojibwa (2015). â€Å"The Archaeological Record† DAILY KOS Childe, V. Gordon (1956). Piecing Together the Past: The Interpretation of Archaeological Data. London: Routledge.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Defending our Skies against the elderly essays

Defending our Skies against the elderly essays Defending our Skies against the elderly The article that I read is about airport security and the elderly. This article talks about a womans 78 year old father who was picked out of a line of travelers in Westchester airport in New York. He had to take off his jacket, oxygen finger cuff, and stand as an airport screener slowly scanned him with a wand. The 78 year old, who had trouble putting shoes on earlier, says his daughter, had to remove them too. As the wand passed his wrist it beeped, without asking the screener pushed up the mans sleeve to show the watch. Then as he scanned her father again the wand beeped going over his belt. Then once again without asking the screener flipped up the old mans shirt and yanked at his belt. I watched hopelessly as my father clenched his jaw as the last tug to his belt nearly made him loose his balance. The article also talks about a similar incident at The Dallas airport. The subject of The Dallas airports search was another old man. The screener there took away the old mans cane, made him remove his belt and shoes and then left him to sit there while the screener consulted how to scan the cane with a supervisor. This article agrees that we do need to screen airport passengers, but there probably is a better way. The article suggests that you should at least look in the passengers eyes. That people should be treated with respect. Isnt that the way of life were all fighting for? This article has many pros and cons. The pros about airport security are that it dose make flying safer. Screeners shouldnt take anyone for granite. Everyone should be treated equal. By scanning people, we may be able to prevent future attacks on America. The article has cons also. The article talks about picking people out of a line to scan. Thats bad because its not effective enough. If yo ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Children Whose Parents are Suffering from AIDS Essay

Children Whose Parents are Suffering from AIDS - Essay Example [International AIDS Society Communications Department (n.d)] AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. When a human body is infected by HIV, it attacks upon the healthy cells of the body such as the white blood cells that function to keep us safe from different diseases. It thrives and multiplies in those cells weakening and damaging the white blood cells and ultimately, the human body as it loses its protection shield. [American Psychiatric Association (n.d)] The HIV virus can be transmitted when the HIV containing fluids of one person transfer to another person. Thus, HIV can be transferred through sex, by sharing needles, syringes (especially, while drug abuse as it is done with precaution) etc, and new born babies with infected mother can also get the virus. HIV virus, however, doesn't thrive in a medium outside of a human body so according to known researches, it is not possible to get infected through external mediums, such as air and water. It is also known that insects do not carry the virus. [American Psychiatric Association (n.d)] In our fast-paced world where cut-throat competition prevails, people... [American Psychiatric Association (n.d)] [International AIDS Society Communications Department (n.d)] MENTAL DISORDERS AND ITS EFFECT ON CHILDREN In our fast-paced world where cut-throat competition prevails, people have seen a rise in the occurrence of emotional stress, distress and depression. However, people inflicted with a deadly disease such as AIDS are more prone to suffer from such mental disorders. The feeling of helplessness and depression is also because of the fact that most of the societies in our world have not learnt to accept people with AIDS. Certainly, it is not easy for them. This has, anyhow, proved to be more negative for patients with AIDS as they are not only going to be fight with a fatal disease for the rest of their lives but are also being treated as outcasts and aliens by their fellowmen. Even more worse is the fact that sometimes the virus itself make attack the brain cells which may result in a loss of memory among other things. [American Psychiatric Association (n.d)] "Every day, about 14000 new HIV infections occur everyday" [International AIDS Society Communications Department (n.d)] Looking at the vast and dismal number of people that are likely to get diagnosed with AIDS is not comforting. As AIDS have been publicized as an incurable disease, it doesn't come as a shock to know that most of the patients start suffering from depression. Depression, in its own right is a very harmful mental disorder. Its symptoms include loss of interest in daily activities, loss of sleep, appetite and weight. Considering that HIV weakens the immune system, if a patient also suffers from depression, it is unlikely that he is going to get any better as lack of sleep, appetite and diversions are going to adversely affect the immune system

Friday, November 1, 2019

Reaction Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Reaction Paper - Essay Example I did not expect this result and therefore, he scored lowly in this context. However, there was a strong point from the Fall Risk Assessment tool, which gave me expected results. Indeed, the participant remained at high risk of falling even with assistance on his legs. In carrying out the social assessment, I encountered a weakness where despite his quietness and lack of many friends, Mr. Vega seems to live a happy life when he tells stories about his kids and his younger life. I also encountered a strong point where the participant got good support from his family that was educated. They knew how to use available resources to keep the patient away from the hospital. In relation to Community Resource Utilization, I realized a strong point in that the patient and family had enough knowledge on how to use community resources. On health promotion activities, I received recommendations from senior medical practitioners that had detailed knowledge on heart failure. I validated that the pa rticipant got the recommendations by the fact that they came in a language he would understand and the fact that his memory was equally sharp. In my line of collecting data and doing interviews, I used an understandable language, polite language, and asked question that were easy to generate a response. Indeed, I was so comfortable with the reception I got, the response from the participant, and the collected data. However, I would recommend the time of collecting data to be long to capture the attention of the old participants wholly. Health promotion is important to the group in that it derives a better understanding on heart failure and its variance with